We are excited to introduce Ballet BC’s full-time company members and emerging artists for the 2022/23 season! Learn more about each of these talented dancers and catch them onstage at the QET at OVERTURE/S November 3/4/5.
Company Artists
Returning to Ballet BC this season are company members Livona Ellis, Sarah Pippin, Jacob Williams, Kiana Jung, Rae Srivastava, Emily Chessa, and Kaylin Sturtevant. Sidney Chuckas, former emerging artist, will join as a full company member. And a warm welcome back to Patrick Kilbane after a two-year break from the company.
We are excited to welcome Benjamin Peralta, Éline Malègue, Michael Garcia, Vivian Ruiz, and Luca Afflitto as new company artists!
Learn more about each of our 2022/23 company dancers at the link below.
Emerging Artists
Six talented emerging artists also join us this season: Jacalyn Tatro, Orlando Harbutt, Maria Pommorsky, and recent Arts Umbrella graduates Benjamin Waters, Emanuel Dostine, and Sydney Tormey.