
C + A: An Introduction

“We are dedicated to creating a social media platform where Ballet BC and its artists can connect with the community in a more collaborative and conversational way, by being more transparent about our everyday lives.”


“Curiosity is an act of vulnerability and courage.” – Brené Brown

If there is one thing we have an abundance of it’s curiosity. We are Christoph and Andrew and we both have the desire to understand mysterious goings on and describe them in more relatable terms. We are most excited about the possibility for connection, both with our peers at Ballet BC and with our audience. As intimately as we work with one another in the studio it can be hard to get a sense of someone’s whole story – a little more investigation is required. Each artist has come to Ballet BC for a reason and brings something undeniably special to the work that we do. We are thrilled to continue talking about the art form and its relevance in our everyday lives, with each other and with you, through social media.

So this is our beginning…

We have a name, a vision, and an incredible opportunity. Here at the start of our reimagining we felt that we wanted to give voice to what we are trying to make happen at Ballet BC. The short of it is, we are going to be responsible for creating “the stuff” you will see on all Ballet BC’s media accounts. We are unreasonably excited (and super nervous) about this chance we have to be so transparent about our everyday lives as professional dancers, and humans of the world. Of course, there will be failure and because nothing so vulnerable and courageous can always hit the mark. This is new for us. Hopefully our learning curve will make our content more relatable and personal. We are human. And while we take full responsibility for everything we create, we also ask for your openness, participation, and forbearance.



We thought it would be fun if we started with a mini Q&A to jump start our social media takeover.  Enjoy!

What is something you tolerate even though it is slimy and horrible?

A: Eggplant.

C: Fluoride at the dental office.

Where do you go to disappear?

C: Honestly, I just go to the nearest bathroom.

A: Dancing is usually the best escape, but I also like my bedroom- door closed and Netflix open.

What colour depresses you?

C: My gut says plum, but I don’t know why.

A: Yellowwwwwww.

What is your favourite time of day and why?

A: I love the early morning. I’ve started waking up much earlier than I need to, just so I can start my day slowly and intentionally. The morning is quiet and still and I feel like the day is full of possibility.

C: Golden hour. From 5-6 during the summer when the sun shines into my apartment and makes this perfect warm golden glow.

What is the biggest misconception about you?

C: That I know what I’m doing… most of the time things feel very improvised.

A: That I’m excessively wealthy.

What excites you the most?

C: Forging new connections with people. Full of incredible possibilities.

A: The future. I get excited when things change, when people grow up, and when dreams come true.

How do you prefer to express yourself?

A: Lack of facial expression.

C: Clearly and articulately. Both in my dancing and in conversation.

What is the best part of a movie?

C: The slow motion fight scene. 

A: Mark Wahlberg.

[youtube id=”m_gTixr2cRA”]

See you on the other side!


Christoph & Andrew