April is National Volunteer Month. Ballet BC would not be able to run as smoothly as it does without our volunteers. We are delighted to have an incredibly generous and supportive group of people who regularly dedicate their time and energy towards supporting the Company and our artists.
Whether they are helping us orchestrate events, greet guests, coordinate tickets at the theatre or help audience members fill out surveys, we are grateful to have such a wonderful team. Thank you everyone!
We asked a few volunteers about their most memorable experience while volunteering and why they choose to give their time to Ballet BC…
“I volunteer with Ballet BC because the energy, enthusiasm and dedication of this outstanding company deserves all the support possible so that it can flourish and we can continue to enjoy this incredible art form. Thank you Ballet BC.” – Michael Mizera
“My favourite moment was setting up for an in-studio sneak preview. I was lucky enough to be able to experience the private showing first hand. Not just for myself, but also to see the reaction of the invited guests dressed in their midday business attire, side by side, inches from the dancers. Time slowed. The piece- visceral, tactile, exquisite. When it ended, the people in that room were changed. So was I. Ballet BC does that to you.” – Amy Mckenna Rae
“My favourite part about Ballet BC is the great diversity of shows they put on. All are performed with great quality, versatility, and the right amount of fun!” – Si Jia Wen
“My favourite moment was when someone asked if I was a Ballet BC dancer! I was so flattered that anybody would mistake me as an artist of this incredible company.” – Neda Ahmadi
A special thank you to volunteers Carol Byram and Noni Raskin. If you are interested in giving some of your time to Ballet BC, find out more at http://www.balletbc.com/volunteer.html
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Big thank you to all our volunteers! Stuart Alcock, Aliyah Amarshi, Elizabeth (Beth) Anderson, Jen Ang, Rebecca Armstrong, Gay Ashley, Bernadett Askey, David Avery, Jennifer Basa, Sue Bates, Sophie Beauvois, Sara Bell, Brenda Berck, Christiane Bouchard, Mary Brunet, Gloria Burgess, Jessica Cheung, Mick Chow, Rosalia Ciulla, Meg Comiskey, Roy Cyr, Paula Da Costa, Joanne Da Silva, Gloria Davies, Alix Demontrond, Harry Derbitsky, Donna Deschamps, Evelyn Deutsch, Gins Doolittle, Andre Duchene, Janet Ericksen, Maria Estrope, Carol Fernie, Jackie Finkelman, Candice Font, Jayne Forbes, Elaine Fortier, Rosanna Frasson, Jenifer Giles, Maureen Gallimore, Hillary Gray, Nicole Guevara, Mary Hann, Tera Hawes, Lyne Hawryzki, Tracy (Xinyu) He, Emily Heipel, Nina Heller, Wendy Hempstock, Cleo Holmquist, Elaine Ibrahim, Frieda Jackson, Nataly Ji, Deborah Johnson, Cecile Kaneko, Latty Kashani, Marisa Ayaka Kikuchi, Elaine Koochin, Sandy Lau, Jeanette Lee, Olivia Lee, Sharon Lee, Sara Lepard, Grace Li, Frieda Liapis, Lisa Lilley, Johanie Marcoux, Renee Martin, Janice Masur, Elena Maxwell, Michelle Mazzocato, Rita McAllen, Amy McKenna Rae, Lili Meier, Angela Mers, Mark Miller, Michael Mizera, Jenna Moore, Andreea Murgu, Katarina Nemcek, Elizabeth Neufeld, Karina Nickel, Lee Nourse, Darian Obrotza, Pamela Oram, Glen Pearson, Ronda Pfleger, Betty Lou Phillips, Laura Piasta, Frank Plechaty, Barbara Popiel-Kozicki, Jana Posyniak, Noni Raskin, Hayley Rebbitt, Tess Rebbitt, Claire Robertson, Selma Savage, Kari Scollie, Bonnie Shapiro, Waka Shinko, Lorraine Smith, Sarah Smith, Mala Srivatsa, Lou-Lou Sy, Lux Tan, Kelsey Tham, Johanna Thomas, Thea Tilston, Adrienne Toye, Sylvia Vera, Cody Wagner, Lesley Walker, Judy Westacott, Cora Whiting, Elizabeth Lisa Widyatmaka, Leah Wilson, Sharron Wilson, Donna Wong-Juliani, Valri Wright, Audrey Zaharichuk, Karen Zalamea, Inge Zegel and our Ballet BC Up volunteers: Jer Nicklom, Alissa Perry, Kelly Samuels, Bijan Ahmadian, Paula Amiama, Angela Dudek and Stephanie Sanger.
Photo Credit: Iulia Agnew