Stuart Alcock on being a donor and volunteer
Stuart Alcock has been a volunteer and donor at Ballet BC for over 10 years. He celebrated this special milestone with us last May. His dedication and love of the arts makes him a vital member of our Ballet BC community as his support has allowed us to continue to do what we do best—create.
Why is Ballet BC and the wider dance community important to you?
I have a long time interest in the arts generally and in contemporary arts in particular. I had seen dance on film but when I came to Canada, I lived in Montreal and became friendly with a number of people who included some dance enthusiasts. With them, I attended performances by classical ballet and contemporary dance companies. I’ll never forget watching Barishnikov in “Swan Lake” a few days before his defection in Toronto. It also became clear to me that my preference was for modern dance. On moving to Vancouver in 1980, I was quick to connect to the performances promoted by David Y. H. Lui and then to the early years of Ballet BC. I think I have missed very few performances and, as my appreciation grew, I branched out to attending dance by other companies including performances in other places—Karen Kain’s final performance in Winnipeg; works by Matthew Bourne, the Frankfurt Ballet and others at Sadlers Wells in London; and a very memorable evening in Melbourne watching Bat Sheva. I am inspired by the skill and artistry involved and often deeply engaged by the ephemeral movement intrinsic to live performance.
Why did you start volunteering with Ballet BC? What is your favourite thing about volunteering?
When I first retired, Ballet BC was emerging from a serious crisis. Emily Molnar, who I had seen as a dancer, was the new Artistic Director. The staff was pretty much a bare bones operation and I decide to offer to help. As a social worker and a services manager, I had spent my working life in intensive and often demanding interpersonal environments so I wanted to volunteer to help with administration, such as data entry, a task that often falls off the bottom of the agenda. I was known as a long-term patron and was warmly welcomed. Over time, the staff have discovered that I have other skills and I have always felt that my efforts are valued. Volunteering has resulted in a number of benefits: friendship with staff and former staff, and opportunities to see studio rehearsals and dress rehearsals, (so I occasionally see the same work in progress and in final form before being an audience member) allowing a greater appreciation of the detail. My very favourite thing is having contact with the creative people at Ballet BC, especially the dancers. I have had great joy in watching new dancers integrate with the company and grow their skills. That is truly special. I have been missing this during the pandemic.
What would you say to others who are considering making a gift to Ballet BC?
The company has toured widely and become very significant in the world of dance. I have seen performances in London and at Jacob’s Pillow. Ballet BC is an ambassador for the BC arts scene and, therefore, donations in support of the company help ensure that our local company remains a vibrant contributor to contemporary art world-wide and is a flagship for our Province as well as being a joy to watch.
Paula Meyler on being part of our Legacy Circle
As a former ballet dancer, Paula Meyler is deeply enmeshed in our dance community, from serving as a Board Director for DanceHouse to regularly attending live performances, she is a long-time supporter of the arts. Paula recently joined our legacy circle and she shares with us what motivated her to make a lasting legacy, impacting the future of art for generations to come.
Why is Ballet BC and the wider dance community important to you?
Dance is in my blood. And it has given me a lifetime of joy. I was scared to move across the country and start a new life from scratch. But Ballet BC and the dance community overall has always been there and has grown with me over the years. The ties in the dance world, whether it be as a current dancer, retired dancer, or as a dance enthusiast are much stronger than I would have once thought. They are often lifelong, and they certainly are not constrained by time, borders or distance. Dance is important to me because it has given me so much and will always remain one of my greatest loves. Balanchine said I don’t want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. I am the latter. I have to have dance.
What impact do you desire to make with this legacy gift?
I will one day be long gone from this world, but dance will live on. In a way, I can live on too through this gift. I hope that my small act will continue to push the envelope in this beautiful art form so that we can always keep growing. I trust that Ballet BC and its creative stewards will continue to keep things fresh, creative and never fear the beauty that comes from evolving.
What would you say to others who are considering making a legacy gift?
No matter how big or small the gift, each act whether it is a legacy gift or something else, is saying yes to the future of dance and yes to the beauty of possibility.
Legacy Circle members are contributing in the greatest way possible to ensure this art form exists for future generations. Legacy gifts enable us to advance our mission over the long-term, creating an impact that will be valued for years to come.
Sonja Sanguinetti on being
part of our Legacy Circle
Sonja Sanguinetti is an all around arts lover. Sonja is a subscriber, monthly donor, and, most recently, a member of our Legacy Circle. Sonja shares why she thinks Ballet BC is a special organization and her decision on joining our Legacy Circle.
“My mother was an early ballet enthusiast and imbued me with that love. When Ballet BC started performing in 1986, my husband and I attended many of the performances. When Emily Molnar took over the company, my daughter was back in town and happy to come to the ballet with me.
I have watched as Emily took the Company from strength to strength. When she started, the audience was restricted to the orchestra section of the theatre. When I attended on March 6, 2020, it had the feeling of a theatre almost sold out. That is because the programming is consistently outstanding. With many classical ballets, one has the feeling of observing an athletic event outlining a well known story. The ballets staged by Ballet BC force you to think and not only appreciate the athleticism of the dancers but also the way they are telling the story. I almost always come away from a performance energized and excited by what I have seen.
I am fortunate to be able to donate money to causes that are important to me. I do give to community organizations and health care charities. However, I believe those organizations find it easier to attract donors than arts organization do. I want ballet to be available to my grandkids who are already enthusiasts. That is why I have left a legacy gift to Ballet BC. I encourage others who are in a position to do so to put their money where it matters.”
-Sonja Sanguinetti
Legacy Circle members are contributing in the greatest way possible to ensure this art form exists for future generations. Legacy gifts enable us to advance our mission over the long-term, creating an impact that will be valued for years to come.
Grant Vanston on being
a monthly donor
Grant Vanston is a long-time monthly donor and Founders’ Council member. His love of dance developed from his participation in dance classes as a youth and he expands on his memories with Ballet BC.
“Ballet BC provides me an opportunity to share in the enjoyment of proud and multi-talented dancers. When the curtain opens I know that I will experience an evening like no other. The entire company’s immense love for dance is evident with every detail, on and off stage. No where else is it possible to experience such dedication and talent from so many people…unforgettable.
I believe that monthly gifts are important as I would like to think that my modest fiscal support helps offset some of the cost for the incredible performances. I continue to donate with the hope that Ballet BC will thrive for years to come.
If you are thinking of becoming a monthly donor, follow your heart. You know that you are here because of your love and respect for the entire company. Please join me, in a modest way, to express to them, how much we enjoy their dedication and hard work. My donation is modest but put it with 10 others? Now we have something. Something that will last all year and not fade like the applause. Donate what you feel comfortable and together magic will happen.”
-Grant Vanston
Monthly gifts help us plan for the future and provide greater financial sustainability over twelve months. It is an alternative form of donating that gives both Ballet BC and the donor flexibility around gift planning and budgeting.
Erika Mayall on being
an UP member
Erika Mayall has been an UP member and donor since 2017. As a member of the dance community, Erika has been a frequent attendee of our performances and an advocate for the arts. Erika explains her motivation for deepening her engagement with us.
“I was inspired to join UP as a way to support the dance community while also having the opportunity to network with like-minded young professionals and participate in engaging community events.
Ballet BC UP is important to me because the arts are historically underfunded and traditionally rely on support from older generations of patrons. I feel it’s important to build a base of support in young professionals who can bring fresh energy, ideas and perspectives to the arts and dance scene in Vancouver.
I work in the dance community, and Ballet BC is constantly at the forefront for cutting edge work not only in our local community, but nationally and internationally as well. They are bringing world class dancers, choreographers and pieces to Vancouver, and connecting local dancers, teachers and community members to the international dance scene.”
-Erika Mayall
Ballet BC UP is a membership program for art lovers who want to immerse themselves in Vancouver’s art scene by connecting with other engaged and inspired young people As a member, you are invited to participate in Ballet BC UP events with the proceeds of your membership contributing to Ballet BC’s programming.